The 3 of wands you see above are a way to help your brain figure out which of the three wands is the negative. So, for example, if you’ve got one negative wand, you’re left with two wands that are neutral.
Now, if youve got three wands, youve got three different wands. But if youve got only one negative wand, then youve got zero wands.
Wands are reversed because they help with decision making, so if you have one negative wand, youve got one neutral wand, if youve got two negative wands, then youve got two neutral wands, and so on, like in a three-dimensional representation of the world. That way, you can figure out in a split second which way to go. That’s really cool and I’m curious how it works out for you.
Well, the game is all about the wands. Each side has 20 wands, and the objective of the game is to pick the correct combination to take out all of the Visionaries in order to save the world. This is a lot of wands for a simple role-playing game, so its easy to get confused and end up with the wrong wands.
The wands are actually the main characters in the game, and the wands are actually three groups of nine in total. The three groups of nine are called the “Rays” and they are the three factions that will be battling the Visionaries.
The three groups of wands are actually three different factions that are trying to take out the Visionaries. The Rays are represented by the three wands that represent them: Red, Yellow, and Green. Each one of the three represents one of the three factions, and the three wands are connected together in a cycle. The three wands are reversed so that if you picked one of the three wands, you would get a chance to pick the other two.
The first time you open the wands is when you get the vision of each of the three factions. Each time you open the wands, you’ll get a chance to choose which of the three they represent. If you picked the Red, Yellow, or Green, you will get the chance to pick the other two.
The idea of these wands is that they represent the three factions of the game. The Red/Red represents the government, the Yellow/Yellow represents the army, and the Green/Green represents the citizens.
This one is simple. Pick which of the three factions you’d like to represent. All three have a common trait. In the case of Red, this trait is good and loyal and the people that live in that region are good and loyal. In the case of Yellow, this trait is evil and those that live in that region are evil. In the case of Green, this trait is good and the people that live in that region are good.
In the beginning, only one of the three factions is represented by a wand, so if you pick Red, you get a Red wand. If you pick Yellow, you get a Yellow wand. If you pick Green, you get a Green wand. The difference is what you choose as your color. The color you pick as your wand also changes as you play, so you can get a Pink wand, a Blue wand, and even a Purple wand. It will also change when the game ends.