If you’re an entrepreneur or just a self-starter, the three levels of tech are: brain, body, and biz. The brain level of technology is where you focus on the task at hand, the body level is what you focus on, and the biz level is what you do when you’re done. The idea is to focus on the biz level and not the biz level thinking. It is the most important and most neglected of all three levels.
The three levels are all important for the entrepreneur because it gives you a clear focus when youre not distracted by technology. You can focus on the biz level and not have to think about the future or the next great idea. You can focus on the body level and not have to worry about the end of the world.
It is also important to understand the difference between a biz level and a body level because the biz level is so important in any other business you might be involved in. For example, in a manufacturing company, the biz level is the body level, but in most other businesses, it’s the biz level and not the body level.
The difference between a biz level and a body level is the difference between business and life. Many of our favorite movies and songs are about the business level and not the body level. In the movie Clerks, the protagonist, Jack Gallagher, is a part time model. As a part time model, he is not a full time model, but he is as focused on his body as he would be in an office.
The difference between a biz level and a body level is that when a person’s on the job, they are part of a team that is working toward a goal. When someone is on the job, they are more than just a cog in a machine. They are a business person. In a biz level, they are more than just a cog but are more than a human being.
The difference between a biz level and a body level is that in a biz level, the person has a job. In a biz level, they don’t have a job. They are on a team. The difference between a body level and a biz level is that a biz level is as much about the person working with the machine as it is about the machine working with the person.
3b techs have a job. They do their thing. They make the machines do their thing. They have a personal life. Their life is their business. They live in the moment and the past. They forget about the future, the future is the moment. The future is the future.
3b techs don’t have a job. They are on a team. The difference between a body level and a biz level is that a biz level is as much about the person working with the machine as it is about the machine working with the person.
The machine is the same as the person: the person and machine are the same. Our goal in 3b tech is to make machines do our things. The people on the team are the job, the people on the team are the people. But our job is not to make machines do our jobs. Our job is to make machines do our things with our people.
This is the same kind of job that a surgeon is. We’re going to remove a tumor, slice a nerve, and place it into a patient. But we’re not going to make the surgeon do our job. We’re going to make the surgeon do our job with our people.