february 9 is my birthday. The day I turn 31. I don’t feel like I’m that old, I feel like I’m in my 40s.
No its not. You say you’re 31, but you’re actually 29. I’m 29 and am a few months younger than you are. So when you say you’re 31, I’m guessing you are a little younger than 29.
The same thing happens to me. I remember being in my early 20’s and figuring “Well I’m nearly 31, that makes me old, so I guess Im pretty old”. I guess that still holds true today. I dont feel quite as old as I used to, I feel like Ive been through a LOT.
That’s a good point. We have all grown up, but the difference now is that the difference has been measured in a very different way. Whereas before we thought of ourselves as being in our 30s and 35s, now we think of ourselves as being in our mid-20s. That means that what we consider as a mid-20s is actually about the same age as our mid-30s.
This is a good point. We should be able to see past the age gap and start to measure ourselves in a new way. Instead of thinking of ourselves as teenagers, we should think of ourselves as people who have grown up. In other words, if we have grown up, then we should be able to think of ourselves as adults. The same goes for the mid-20s. We should think of ourselves as adults, and the mid-20s as children.
The same goes for the mid-30s. We should think of ourselves as adults, and the mid-30s as teenagers. The same goes for the mid-40s. We should think of ourselves as adults, and the mid-40s as kids. That’s all.
Thats all. Well, we shouldnt be so stupid. We should have grown up before we were even kids. We should have been kids. It’s not that we shouldnt have grown up to be teenagers, it’s that we shouldnt have been teenagers. It’s just that we shouldnt have grown up to be adults.
We shouldnt be stupid. We should have grown up before we were even kids. We should have been kids. Its not that we shouldnt have grown up to be adults, its that we shouldnt have been adults. Its just that we shouldnt have grown up to be teenagers. Its just that we shouldnt have been teenagers. Its just that we shouldnt have been teenagers. Its just that we shouldnt have been teenagers. Its just that we shouldnt have been teenagers.
The thing about teenagers is that we get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to be part of the whole, to be part of the big picture. Its just that we shouldnt have been teenagers because it would have been so easy to grow up to be an adult. Its just that we shouldnt have been teenagers because it would have been so easy to grow up to be an adult.
I think its a combination of our own inexperience and our lack of maturity. Because we are teenagers, we take ourselves too seriously. We forget to think about the big picture. So when we start acting like adults we are no longer part of the big picture. We forget that we live in a complex world. When we start acting like adults we are no longer part of the big picture. We forget that we live in a complex world. We forget that we live in a complex world.