I was once told by a friend that if you are a true gemini (love in Italian), you are never alone. The most beautiful thing about gemini is they are so smart and independent. I think it is this trait that makes them such a great match.
I have always had a soft spot for the gemini, because they are independent women who can be extremely independent and intelligent. And while it is true that they are also beautiful, that doesn’t take anything away from their intelligence. These are women who know that they are beautiful, but they need to have someone with them to make them feel like their beauty has value, instead of just having it be a thing they can use for sex and fun.
This is something that can be a real turn on. If you are a gemini then you have a strong sense of self-worth. You are proud of your beauty and love it. Thats a very attractive quality and gemini’s are very easy to spot. Its not just the way people look, but the attitude and demeanor too. And there are a lot of gemini’s in the world.
One of the main ways people can tell you are a gemini is how they will tell you they are attracted to you. Its a very common belief that you are attracted to and enjoy the attention of others. That is a very unattractive quality. I know I would never do that with anyone. Its like trying to seduce someone with a broken condom.
That’s interesting because many people believe that the beauty and personality traits that make a gemini attractive are inherited. If this is true, then a gemini would really want to seduce you. But this is not true since it’s not his or her true nature to be attracted to others. It’s just how the brain works.
I think there are a lot of people who have been drawn to gemini’s because they don’t know any better. Most of us know that gemini’s are really really gorgeous, intelligent, and funny. So I think we’ve all been drawn to someone who is all of these things.
To be honest I feel like there are people who are attracted to people who look like them (or think like them), but its not a part of their nature to be attracted to others. Its just how the brain works.
No, it’s not just how the brain works. Some individuals are born with geminis, but they are not a part of their nature. They are just a way that the brain works. Some people are born with it because they are genetically predisposed to it. That’s what this discussion is about.
The fact that some individuals are born with geminis or genetics that predispose them to geminis is what this discussion is about. But geminis is not a trait that is innate. Geminis is a mental phenomenon, and a mental phenomenon can develop from birth or be acquired through training. The nature of geminis is that it is a trait that is acquired through training.
But again, in my opinion, geminis is just a mental phenomenon. Like the fact that a person is a person or a human, geminis is just a mental phenomenon. For example, I believe that if you look at the brain, there is a white spot on the left. I believe that this white spot is geminis. Why do I think that? Well because I think you can train your brain to think this way.