Product management is an exciting and challenging job. One of the many responsibilities that a product manager will take on is to create successful products.
That’s right, you don’t just have to manage products, you can help create them too! A good product manager understands how important it is to be creative in their thinking when developing new products.
In this blog post we’ll share 11 tips from a product manager’s experience that should help anyone who wants to learn more about creating successful products.
Tip 1 : Keep in mind that you’re not alone.
A product manager’s job isn’t just about managing the development of a new idea, it’s also about communicating with other departments and parties involved to ensure they understand what needs to be done next for that project.
If someone says “no” or seems uninterested when talking about your ideas, don’t take this personally because there are good reasons why developers might say no! Instead of getting discouraged from these conversations, see them as learning opportunities so you can better prepare yourself for future interactions.
Tip 2: Make sure all of the links work on your website before publishing it live.
It may sound silly, but double checking every link is working on your site will save time and headaches. Make sure to test the links with at least Google Chrome and Firefox when you have them open as your browser choice!
Tip 3: Create a website map before publishing it live so that everything is easy to find on your site.
The more organized things are, the easier they will be for others to understand how items relate or connect on your own website.
This becomes even more important if someone else has access like another product manager who’s in charge of managing their company’s products alongside yours (or vice versa).
They’ll know where all of the information about any given product can be found, which makes communication much smoother overall!
Tip 4: Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
A product manager should always feel free to ask for clarification on what’s been discussed and agreed upon, or if something is unclear even when the person you’re talking with is someone higher up in your company!
It can be easy to forget some of the details that have happened within a conversation, but it’ll help clear everything up if anyone has any confusion about whatever decision was reached.
Tip 5: Be open minded and flexible.
This tip may seem similar to Tip 14 but this one stresses just how important being open minded and flexible are as a good quality in becoming successful at creating new products (especially if there are lots of moving parts).
If you had an idea that didn’t work the way you wanted it to, don’t get discouraged or angry instead see this as an opportunity for growth and creativity.
Tip 6: Remember that brainstorming can be a lot of fun!
A good product manager is able to balance what needs to get done with having some downtime in order to recharge their batteries.
Brainstorming sessions are one activity that’s both productive and enjoyable at the same time (think about how much more energy you have when thinking creatively!).
If there are people who aren’t familiar yet with your ideas, make sure they’re comfortable during these sessions so everyone has a great experience together!
Tip 7: Stay up on current events.
This may seem like common sense but staying up to date on current events is important to ensure you’re able to communicate well with others. It can be easy when working so much that news updates feel unimportant, but they actually are very relevant for any projects being worked on!
Tip 8: Give yourself time before a meeting or discussion.
In order to have the best conversation possible about your ideas it’s essential that you give yourself enough time beforehand in order to prepare and do research beforehand.
This way you’ll know what needs to be said during these meetings (and how best to say them) from all of your own independent research beforehand instead of just relying on whatever was given as an assignment earlier.
One thing we’ve learned is that there isn’t a one-size fits all approach to any situation- so don’t be afraid to think outside of the box and present an idea that may not have been asked for.
Tip 9: Don’t get discouraged if you’re faced with rejection of your ideas!
Rejection is always hard, but a good product manager knows they can learn from their mistakes (or someone else’s!) in order to grow as both a person and professional.
Participation should never be rewarded just because it was requested. Instead, focus on what creativity you bring with your own style into these events or conversations when sharing your thoughts about products.
There will always be something new to try out the next time around; all we can do is our best at any given moment!
Tip 10: Be fair with others during brainstorming sessions.
It’s important to be fair with everyone who is participating in the brainstorming session, which means taking turns and listening attentively even if you’re not talking at that moment.
Brainstorming isn’t a competition (it should never feel like one!) so make sure each person has their own opportunity to contribute ideas or thoughts without feeling rushed or overlooked.
Tip 11: Respect others’ opinions as much as your own during discussions!
A product manager should always respect other people’s opinions about new products but it will also help for them to take responsibility for what they think can work best within those group settings.
It may seem difficult when there are opposing viewpoints, but remember to remain calm and open minded throughout the process.
Finally, Continue being creative.
Even if you’re not the one who came up with an idea for a product, your job is to help make that product as successful as possible by maximizing their creativity and usefulness.
A good way to do this is to have brainstorming sessions where everyone throws out ideas about how they think a new product should work.
You’ll be amazed at what can come from these! Hope you liked this blog post and it helps you. If you want to read more such blogs, then checkout this link: