The gemini def is the most popular gemini recipe on the planet. It’s one of those recipes that people have heard of, but have never tried it (and may never know the name of) because it’s such a simple and quick dish. I think it’s because these cookbooks are so many years old that it’s hard to remember a gemini recipe that hasn’t been made.
The gemini def is one of those recipes that is a staple in the kitchen for just about everyone. Its the easiest recipe on the planet to make and the most simple to make. And its the easiest recipe to make. However, like most recipes its also one of those recipes that you will have to tweak to your liking. Its hard to know what the gemini def is supposed to taste like.
The gemini def is so easy to make that I would venture to guess that most would say it tastes like garlic. And that it tastes like garlic is a fairly safe assumption. But, like most recipes, there is a little more to it than that. And that little more is that it has to be baked for one hour and then it has to be covered in sugar. Because while garlic actually tastes like garlic, the gemini def is often used to make cookies.
The reason the gemini def is used so often is because it is the sweetest sugar-covered cookie you will ever eat. I have to admit, I had a hard time keeping myself from eating this cookie. I have a very small amount of self-awareness. I can easily find myself thinking, “I just had a lemonade at the cafe, I’m going to go home, I’m going to eat this cookie.
I’m not saying that people who use gemini def on a daily basis should be given the death penalty, but I am saying that the act itself is a little bit unethical.
Sure we could just go back to plain sugar cookies, but I think we can all agree that gemini def is a bit much, and perhaps not worth it. We use it because it is so yummy, and because it is so easy to eat. I’m not saying it’s wrong for a cookie to be sweet, but gemini def is not as sweet as plain sugar.
There is a fine line between “too sweet” and too “bad”, and I think gemini def is just a little too sweet to be considered “good.” I also think its use as a reward for good deeds in the game is a little bit too convenient.
To be fair, gemini def is a great cookie. And it’s a great cookie that also happens to be the best cookie you can get, because it’s the most delicious cookie ever. But I think the problem is that most of us don’t have that much of a sweet tooth, and so when it comes to gemini def, we just can’t make it.
I’m going to go along with the idea that the game is too sweet. But that just means it’s more cookie-y. I’m not going to think gemini def is bad. It’s really sweet. Plus, I like cookie. I’d like to make a cookie. I’m not going to go back to a cookie that I had to eat like a dog. I’m not gonna go back to a cookie that I had to chew like a puppy.
I really like cookie, but I have to admit that I cant get it in the grocery store anymore. Too many people, especially me, want to buy cookie. Even when I try to tell them that it’s just sugar, they still want cookie! It’s stupid.