We live in a neighborhood with many houses and lots of homes. Our neighborhood is a gemini. We have the majority of the houses, and a few homes that are older and have had a lot of remodeling or adding on. We have the 11th house. What we have is a combination of houses we know and ones we don’t. This house is the 11th house because we are all born within the same neighborhood, yet we have different lifestyles.
The 11th house is an area that we all live in together. It’s the area where we all live, yet we have different lifestyles, so we can’t really be in the same house.
This house is the first house that everyone takes advantage of (for the most part) to go exploring, or to work on projects or to hang out. It is also where we get our jobs and where we have a lot of social activities. So in general, everything we do in the 11th house is something we all do.
This house has so many different jobs, from farming (which helps our crops grow) to construction work (which helps us build houses and roads and such) to art classes (which helps us make friends) to sports (which helps us get our team to win the championship) to parties (which helps us to get drunk).
This house is a lot like any other house in the city, so there are certain tasks that we all do. Like farming, cooking, and crafts and art classes. We can, however, do more here that we would in our own house. For instance, we can meet people and hang out with them, we can have parties, and we can have sports activities. As a result, we tend to do a lot more here than the rest of the city.
Although there is a lot more to the city than the parties and sports, there are still a lot more activities in the city that we can do here that we don’t get to do in the rest of the city. For instance, we don’t go to the mall, we don’t go to the movies, and we don’t go to the nightclubs. The city has tons of activities that we don’t get to do in the rest of the city.
But it’s still the best place in the city for having people over and having people over. There are tons of things for us to do here. We can go to the movie theater, the amusement park, the arcade, the coffee shop, the park, the zoo, and the museum. Even if we only go to one of these, it’ll be worth it.
I live right in the middle of everything. If we were to choose any one place, the city would be it. Other than that, and the fact that we have so many things to do, other than just going to the mall, we have to go to the rest of the city.
It really is that good.
The thing about the city in gemini in the 11th house is that it’s a big place. It’s not a bad thing. In fact, it’s great. It’s a great place to live. And it’s not really that we, or you, need it to be that good. I think we were just lucky. I mean, I was living in a small town, and I was kind of stuck in the same place every day.