In the past I’ve mentioned that I think georgia tech is superior to kentucky tech. Since I’ve been in the industry I’ve seen a dramatic shift in the landscape of tech and I am not sure that I agree with this statement. K-T is much more robust and the culture is much more supportive. They both provide a great job and a very friendly environment, which is why my opinion was in the past.
Georgia tech is more like a place to work for someone who likes to make money. K-T is a community driven project where the people who make a living in the hobby are the ones who run the show. K-T is so much more focused on the hobby and I think that is an important distinction.
I think it was a mistake for Georgia tech to not hire people from the community. I think the people working at geo are a great example of how to run a community. They do not get into the corporate world of marketing and sales, they are the community, which is what I think is so great about them.
The K-T team is a great example of what I believe is community driven in my opinion. I love how the K-T team is run and how they are able to engage with their community. In the past they have had people put out the “K-T” banner on their homepage, but that was just for show and it wasn’t actually their main purpose.
It seems that the K-T community is one of the most active communities on youtube, and it has an active group of members who do a lot of creative work. I’ve been following the K-T team since the beginning and feel that the K-T community has the most active group on youtube.
For those who want to find out more you can read my K-T team blog post or check out the link at my Twitter account.
The K-T community is a sub-community of the larger K-Pop and K-Rock scene. The K-T community is generally more aggressive and often more political and outspoken than the K-Pop and K-Rock communities. They sometimes have strong opinions, and they love to throw them around or disagree with each other.
The K-T community is a relatively new sub-community of YouTube, and we’re very new to it. The K-Pop and K-Rock community is a relatively new sub-community of YouTube, and we’re very new to it. It’s a sub-community of the larger K-Pop and K-Rock community, and we’re very new to it.
In the past, K-T community had a strong reputation for being very political, and sometimes even violent. This is probably due to the fact that they often have strong opinions, and they love to throw them around or disagree with each other. I guess because of this, they have a reputation for being extremely violent, and at times even terrorist-like.
The K-Pop genre has a very large community base, and has become very popular in recent years, especially among teens. Geography is another factor that affects whether or not a community is popular. In countries with small populations, people tend to be smaller in general, and people tend to like to share what they know. Geography also affects how people choose to communicate, so some people in K-Pop tend to choose to communicate over the Internet.