King of Wands has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It’s the name of my first pair of glasses, and my favorite color. I wear them whenever I go to a concert or movie or visit my parents. This week, I’ve been reading about a new book from David Sedaris called The Three Levels of Self-Awareness.
If you’re wondering how I know about this book, it’s because I just read an interview with Sedaris that got me thinking about how we, as humans, are hardwired to think, act, and react in certain ways. These are the ways we are taught that are important to our survival. But in some ways, they can be a roadblock to our happiness too.
The book is titled: The Three Levels of Self-Awareness. It details how, when the author first encountered a new idea or belief, he was unable to bring himself to change it. But after he had changed it, he could no longer believe it was true. This is because our normal way of thinking is about as rational as a three-day-old infant.
When we change the way we think about something, we become aware of some of our hidden motivations. If we’re constantly trying to convince ourselves that a new idea is right, we may find it difficult to not act on it. In a similar way, we may find that we only believe in things based on our own desires. When we become aware of our “three levels of self-awareness”, we can take more control of our actions and our reactions.
The idea of these three levels is that different people are able to take more control of their attitudes and feelings. For example, if a person is always trying to convince themselves something is right, they may be convinced by their own logic, but may not be willing to take the time to research to see what it is.
The third level of self-awareness is when we realize that the things we believe to be true in our own heads, are just projections of our own ideas. For example, someone who always says they will never hurt anyone, may not be feeling any pain, but they may be believing this to be true. This third level of self-awareness is important to remember because it can sometimes be hard to take what we believe to be true and look at it objectively.
It gets a lot more complicated when we realize that what we may believe to be true may be completely false. For example, you may believe that the number of people who are afraid of spiders is a good thing, but if you look at it objectively, you would find that the number of people who are afraid of spiders is a lot bigger than you thought. This is because spiders are one of the most feared creatures out there, and in fact, there are a lot of myths about them.
For example, I once made this comment on a forum, and some guy who’s obviously not a spider expert replied, “I don’t believe spiders will attack you, but I do believe it will take you a long time to die.
The reality is that spiders can not only kill you, but also drag you down for a very long time. In fact, I’ve been bitten by a spider so a couple weeks ago that I’ve been looking for a place to go to and get stung like a bunch of school kids on a field trip. I’m so glad I’m not a kid.