The way this blog is written I believe that leo is the eightth house, leo is a man, and leo is a dog.
This may be true, but the internet is full of people with names like leo, and I’m pretty sure that, if leo had a blog, he would be writing about leo as a man and a dog, and not about his house. I think the internet is full of leos.
The problem here is that if leo was a man and a dog then he would be the eighth house. It’s a fact that leo is a dog, but we as humans tend to regard our own house as the 8th house. Why? Well, because our own house is where we put the things that matter to us. If leo were a man and a dog then he’d probably be the sixth house, where he works.
Not necessarily, but your house is where you put the things that you’re trying to keep out of your house. For example, I’m sure you’ve heard of the phrase “not in my house”.
If youre not familiar with this phrase, there is a very well known song about it called “not in my house.” If leo were a man and a dog then he would be the sixth house, where he works, and Im sure youve heard of the phrase not in my house.
The phrase “not in my house” has a very similar root to the word “home.” It refers to a place that is not of your household. In the same way, leo’s house is not in our house, because it is not of our household. (Or at least, it is not of our household because its not of our household.
To be honest, I would have never thought of the word home to be a slang term. I guess I was just looking for something that would be more literal. Or maybe I’m just stupid. Either way, the phrase not in my house is a very good one. It doesn’t have much of a meaning per se, but it conjures up images of a place where you dont have to worry about who you are (or aren’t).
I guess the house itself is not in the same category. Sure it could be called a “house” because it is built mostly on land, but the house itself is not a house – it is a place. The concept of a “home” is different. A home is owned by the people who live in it, but a home is not a place, it is a space. The house itself is a space, while the house inside it is not.
I like this definition of a home. It is an enclosed space that houses people and keeps them safe and warm. It isnt designed for comfort or privacy, but it can be.
This is one of those terms that is so broad, it encompasses any structure at all that houses people, whether or not they are human. However, the term house has been around for a long time, but is used in different ways by different people.