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natal chart tattoo

This tattoo is a tattoo of a natal chart, a chart that is used in traditional Chinese medicine and is used to determine how you will age. It was made by my mother in the late 1980s and has been passed down to me since high school.

She gave it to me when I was 16 years old. It’s a very long, detailed chart, with symbols, patterns, and all sorts of things that make up the chart. It’s a beautiful thing that I keep because, in my opinion, it’s an amazing tool.

The chart is a very detailed chart. It has a lot of different symbols and patterns, and there are actually many different charts that are made. I think the one I made for myself is especially useful because it is so detailed, and I can look at it for years and years and never really need to refer to another.

The chart is a lot like the one I made for myself. It has a lot of different symbols and patterns, and there are actually many different charts that are made. I think the one I made for myself is especially useful because it is so detailed, and I can look at it for years and years and never really need to refer to another.

This tattoo is a little bit of a departure in my tattoo-making. I have always wanted to make a chart of my life, and the reason I wanted to do that is because it’s so important to me. I think the thing I find most interesting is that my life isn’t a regular linear list. I’m not a person who has a clear path, a plan, or a purpose, so instead I’m just a blob of random experiences and random thoughts.

I feel like there are so many different parts to my life that I never really took the time to understand or even try and figure out. What I mean by that is, it is not just a linear timeline. It is also a curve, a spiral, an endless loop if you will. I have seen a lot of posts recently that talk about this sort of thing and you really have to do your research.

As I’ve gotten older, I have realized that I am not exactly who I was fifteen years ago. I may not be a bad person, but I can’t help but feel like I’ve lost something. Because of this, I have decided to get a tattoo. I have a tattoo that will be the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. It is a natal chart tattoo.

This is one of the most common questions I get. And it is a good question. The first thing I think of when I hear this is “Why?” Then I think about it and I know why. I just feel like it is very important for me to have something like that. I have a lot of friends who have a big old natal chart tattoo on their forearm.

It’s a form of tattooing that uses images of your family members, especially your mother. It’s a way to celebrate your mother by showing off the things you love about her. The natal chart is a time-tested and important part of the women’s movement. It’s a way to show off your status as a woman in society. It could also help you remember to call your mom every time you need to talk.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t care a shit about the natal chart. I’m just happy our entire society has made it this far, so I figure its just a nice way to show off our status. I mean, lets just say thats not the reality of the situation.


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