For many years I’ve been a strong advocate of education at our tech campus (OXFORD AT TECH RIDGE), and I’m proud to say that we now have an engineering major (engineering & computer science) on campus that’s going to be working in our new building out in the city.
Ive been here for four years, the campus is about 100,000 sq ft, and it makes up a pretty large part of the city. As a teacher, I think it is important to recognize that Ive been here for four years and that I can have a pretty large impact on the future of the city of Oxford. I think that the fact that Ive been here for four years should be enough to get you interested in what our future holds.
After four years, I think it should be pretty obvious that Ive been here for four years, because I have been on campus for 4.5 years. But I’ve been around for that long and I’ve pretty much seen and done it all, so I think my resume is pretty strong.
But Oxford is a pretty big city, with a lot of interesting people and important things going on. And Ive been here for four years, so I have a lot to influence. So how can I make things better? That’s what oxford at tech ridge is all about.
The guys behind oxford at tech ridge are a group of guys that were all on the same college track and they decided to start a new school (Oxford) to take their skills and knowledge and go into industry. They don’t really advertise it, they just show up and do their thing. And they’ve done a pretty good job actually.
Oxford at Tech Ridge is a group of four guys who are all on the same track. They started up the school here in Oxford and have been slowly building up a following since. They are a bunch of talented and hard-working guys who are willing to do whatever it takes to get their name out there and build a name and a reputation.
The Oxford at Tech Ridge website is full of articles, videos, and podcasts on the college and their programs. But their biggest asset is their videos. They’re some of the most hilarious videos I’ve ever seen, and I’m not just saying that because I’m the director. We also got to see them do a little bit of shooting, which is pretty awesome.
The Oxford at Tech Ridge website is the brainchild of a guy named Richard and his crew. The videos are hilarious, and the website is a great way to get into tech. The guys are incredibly organized and the videos are fun to watch. Unfortunately for us, we couldn’t get a video of us shooting with them.
The videos are from a series of webinars given by Richard, and we were very impressed. They are all about different topics including programming, startups, and startups in general. Theres also a lot of talk about the future of the internet, and Richard mentions things like YouTube and Google, which are of course things we are all very interested in. I was impressed they had so many folks in attendance, but I think you can find similar events anywhere.
I’m very impressed with the tech team at Oxford at Tech Ridge. They are willing to get very involved with the community of Oxford at Tech, and are always very open, friendly, and willing to talk about everything. In fact, most of the people here are Oxford, but some of us are from other parts of the UK. I think it’s a great thing that Oxford can be such a strong and active part of the tech community in the UK.