One of the most amazing things about astrology is that it’s so universal. There’s an exact rat zodiac for each season, and we’re all born with the same physical signs. It’s no wonder that the same traits and personality traits are found in people born in different eras of time.
One of my favorite aspects of astrology is the compatibility of people who are similar to each other. As I mentioned back in the introduction, its not as simple as it sounds. I’ve worked with people who are close to each other in life, but aren’t actually the same person. I’ve known people who have the exact same birthday, and yet are completely different people.
This might sound like a weird thing to say, but Ive found that people who are similar in some way (like having the same birthday) are also related in an even more specific way. Ive found that people whose birthdays are the same will have more in common with each other than people whose birthdays are not the same. For example, if you date a guy who is born the same day as you, he might be the same guy you’re dating in real life.
It might be more difficult to believe that someone you’ve never met could be related to you, but I’ve found that while we may seem completely different, we’re quite compatible. That’s because we’ve both experienced the same thing. While your relationship with your sister may be based on something that she’s done, yours with someone else is based on something that you’ve been through. In other words, we have the exact same birthday, yet we’re not the same person.
You might think I dont know how to make friends, but I think I did it better than you did. If youve never felt lonely or misunderstood, you feel lonely and misunderstood now. And you have no idea what youve got yourself into.
It is a very real and very real thing. When I got married to my wife and started dating our daughter, I was very much in tune with my own psychology. Sure, I had some of the typical issues of a 20-something and I have a daughter who is 15. I also had the typical issues of a 30-something and a daughter who is 10. But my wife and daughter were two people who I cared about very deeply.
That’s the point. You’ve just found yourself in a situation where you’re completely isolated from people you’ve known your entire life. You’ve just been on your own for so long that you don’t realize it.
Like a lot of people, I find that I don’t fully grasp why my wife and daughter are so similar to me. I mean, I know that I was married to my current wife for a year, and I loved my daughter, and my wife and I cared about each other, but Ive never completely understood it.
If youre still confused, then you could always try asking them. After all, theyre the ones that have lived with you your entire lives. So you could ask them, “do you think you two are alike?” and see if they can name one thing that youre both really, really similar to.
It’s basically like this: We all have unique abilities, characteristics, and personalities. You may not always be right when it comes to what those characteristics are, but you can help others who are. I think this is one of the reasons it’s so important to have a good network in your life, because when youre surrounded by people who share similar values, you can easily say, “Hey, I know all about what kind of people are here.