I love it. I love that I can still have a scorpio on my desk. No worries, it’s not going to fall off.
It’s a pretty big scorpio, though, and it does seem pretty spiffy. But it’s also so spitty that it may be a little too spitty. We just don’t know yet. I wouldn’t have guessed we’d have a scorpio on our desk anyway. (The picture on the home page of scorpio is sort of like that of a jellyfish, which is cool and all, but you’ve gotta imagine it’s a little spitty).
The scorpio, in this case at least, is a little spitty. In my experience, that’s pretty much how most of them look and how I like them too. But, I do like the ones I have. This one, though, is a bit on the spitty side.
You know how you get those little bugs that look like the ants and sting you? I guess they are, but there’s not a lot of sting, and they’re pretty spitty. But in this case it’s an ant that looks like a scorpion. The scorpion is the one that has two eyes, but the eyes are the front ones, and then there are two eyes on the back. I like what it makes me think of.
Scorpio is the ultimate in spitty and scorpioniness, and while I’m not sure if I think it would be a good idea to put the scorpion head on a key or something, there are always ways to make it look more spitty. I’m just not sure if the scorpion is the best choice. I don’t like the way it looks and I’m not sure if it would be a good choice for a door handle.
I think it would be really cool if it were a key. It would make it more spitty but I don’t know if I can picture the scorpion on a key. If it were a key, I would think it would be spitty but still, I don’t know if that would be a good choice for a door handle.
The scorpion head does look spitty. I think it would be a cool key handle, at least to look at. It would look good on a door, but it would be silly if it was a key.
Okay, scorpio, I think I’ll go with a key. I think it’s a good decision. It’s spitty. I think it looks good. The scorpion would be cool as a door handle for a door. It’s spitty and it would look good. I think it’s a good idea. It’s spitty. It’s a spitty key. It’s spitty.
This is a good idea. A spitty key would look nice and spitty and would look cool and spitty.
I think it’s a good idea. Its spitty. It would look spitty. It would look cool and spitty. It would look spitty.