September 23, 2012, was a day that I’ll never forget. On this day, I walked from my apartment in the city to the store that was closing down. As I entered the store, I ran into someone who was there to see the end of the line. As much as I looked around, my focus was on her, not the sign. I was running out of time, my focus was on what I had to do, and my eyes were on the sign.
The sign was a big one. And it was a very big-ass sign. And it was a sign that told me that the store was closing down. And as I was running out of time on that day, I was also running out of time on the big-ass sign. I made my way out of that store, got in my car, and sped toward the store’s exit. The sign had clearly just been left, so I was pretty sure that was where it came from.
Now, at first, I was pissed off. A sign like that is like the biggest asshole of all the signs in the world. The sign was a sign that told you that your store was closing down. A sign that says, “This store is closing.” Now, if I had been in that store, I would have been pissed as heck. But I wasn’t.
The sign had come from the store owners, who apparently left it in the store in a hurry after the sign got posted. I’m sure that they would have thought of a better place to leave it, but I’m not sure what their response would have been. In the end, it was just a sign that said, This store is closing.
I dont know, but the sign is creepy.
It’s a little weird that in an official store that the sign is posted at the door as the sign for the store itself being closed. I have to admit that I don’t think the sign made a lot of sense, but then again I am not a native English speaker so I have no idea.
This sign is a little disturbing, but not because it is a statement about the store being closed or that the sign is a sign that the store is closed. This sign is disturbing because it is a sign that the store is closing. The fact that the sign is posted in an official location is just as disturbing, but this fact is not mentioned because there is no official response to it.
The same sign that made me a little uneasy is a sign that the store is closing. The fact that it is not posted in an official location is just as disturbing, but this fact is not mentioned because there is no official response to it.
The sign that is not posted is a sign that the store is closed, because no official response was made. The same sign that made me a little uneasy is a sign that the store is closing, because no official response was made.
We are not closing down our store. We are closing our store, because the stores are closed.