“When I was young I believed all kinds of things. I believed I was special. I believed I was special because I had a special place in the universe. And I believed I was special because I was special. I believed I was special because I was special.
Now I look at it and I realize that I was just a normal kid. I realized that I was just a normal kid who had a special place in the universe and I still believe all these weird things. But I’m a little wiser now. I realize that I’m just a normal kid who had a special place in the universe and I don’t believe all these weird things.
I guess we can probably say he’s a bit of a dick. If we’re talking about the average dick, then he’s probably a pretty dick. He’s certainly entitled to his beliefs and believes that he’s special. But I’m not so sure that if you have a special place in the universe and you believe you’re special, you’re special because you’re special.
We’ve all seen those videos where one of the other kids is sitting in the back seat of their parents car and watching a movie and it ends with a scene of a kid going through the house with a giant vacuum cleaner while the parents sit and watch in silence. We all have our own weird little weirdness in our lives.
It’s called the “Four-House Theory” and it’s basically a belief system that says you’re special because you have a special place. One of the most well-known advocates of the theory is Daniel Dennett, an Englishman who writes a book called “Consciousness Explained.
The Four-House Theory is a belief, but it’s not exactly a belief. Its actually a scientific hypothesis that has been verified in multiple experiments. Most well known, however, is the experiment done by Mary and Bob Kowalski. The theory suggests that there are different levels of consciousness. Our normal consciousness is the first level of consciousness. This is the level we are most aware of, so our thoughts and actions are more predictable.
If you look at the world around us, most of us are “normal” to a certain degree. We all have our thoughts, emotions, and desires, and when we are awake most of the time we are aware of them. With a little bit of conscious effort we can make ourselves more aware of the things that are bothering us, and we can make them stop. However, when we are asleep, our consciousness is very much like all the other people around us.
Our brains are a little bit like a car. When we are awake, we can drive very effectively, but if we are asleep, we are completely inert and unable to drive at all. We are able to operate the car, just as you can open your car door with one hand, but we still have to apply power. If we are asleep, we can go about our day much like any other human, but we have no control over the motion of the car.
In fact, our thoughts are completely unconscious and disconnected from the rest of our bodies. We are just an immobile lump that we can call “self.” When we are awake, we can think and remember, but only in very limited ways. Our thoughts are only connected to our physical brain, so when we are asleep, we are almost like a zombie. We have no conscious control over our thoughts, therefore we can’t even tell you how many thoughts we have.
This is what most people think when they hear the word “brain,” but what you really mean is “body,” and not “brain.” The brain is actually a combination of your body and your mind, and the body is a conglomeration of the brain (or “body”) and all the other parts of your body along with the rest of your body.