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temperance as advice

It’s true that you can’t always control your eating and drinking, but I think the best way to combat this is to learn from and follow the example of temperance and the importance of the temperance principle in practice: to abstain, to refrain, from all excessive and unnecessary use of alcohol or other intoxicants and substances.

The temperance principle is really the idea that there’s way more to life than just booze, pills, and sex. It’s about the importance of being aware of that fact instead of letting it become a part of who you are. When you think you drink too much, you are really thinking you drink too much. The most important thing to do is abstain.

I mean the actual drinking part but there are many other ways to abstain. The most important thing to do is abstain from alcohol. The worst thing to do is to drink until you die of alcoholism. Alcohol is a depressant, and as such, you should try to avoid it as much as possible.

Alcohol is one of those things that the majority of people will think of as “good for you” and/or “well, you’re just a little tipsy,” but as with many other things, it is actually a very harmful thing. It’s a depressant, and the more you drink it, the more you become depressed.

Alcoholism can be prevented, but it’s just not a fun journey. The first step in avoiding alcoholism is to recognize that you have a problem. Alcoholism is a disease, and you have to deal with it through treatment that works.

That being said, there are two ways that we can tackle the problem of alcoholism: by changing drinking habits or by changing the way we think about alcoholism. There are two ways for people to approach this. The first way is to try and change their own drinking habits. The second way is to stop thinking of alcoholism as a disease and to start thinking of it as something that is a problem with how we treat it.

So the first thing we can do to help people to stop drinking is to stop thinking of it as a disease. This is easy. We can stop thinking about the disease, which is alcoholism, and stop thinking of the disease as something we need to fix. The cure for alcoholism is not being drunk. The first thing we can do to help people to stop drinking is to stop thinking of the disease, which is alcoholism, as something that we need to fix.

The problem here is that there’s no real cure, at least not one that works.

In the early 1900s, the American Temperance Society had a pretty hard time getting people to stop drinking. But in the late 1990s, a new group of people, The National Council on Alcoholism and Addiction, took over and changed everything. They developed a set of strategies and techniques that, over time, have had a profound effect on how people view alcoholism. One of the best things we can do to help people stop drinking is to stop thinking of it as a disease.

While we can’t cure alcoholism, we can at least stop making it more of a disease. People who are already alcoholics may have a hard time being put off by the idea that they are “diseased.” This is because alcoholism is considered a medical condition to be managed with medical treatment. We can’t take away the disease, but we can certainly make it more manageable.


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