I was intrigued by the idea of the “libra” and “aquarius”, after having spent the past few months trying to decipher the different types of personalities that people can be. I found myself constantly fighting the urge to ask a lot of questions, usually in vain.
The libra and aquarius aren’t actually that difficult to figure out, after all. Aquarius and libra are both the signs of the Zodiac, and when you cross one of these signs with your birthday, it will mean you’re in the sign of your birth. On the other side, you are both a Leo person and a Pisces person.
I thought I would be able to find a way to use that information to figure out who a person is by finding what type of personality they are, but I found a lot of the information I needed to find out about a person to be very vague and difficult to decipher. Even if I find a way to make sense of it, I still need to work on figuring out what these personalities actually are.
The reason for this is that I suspect that Leo and Pisces are a lot more like each other than we think. Leo is the most outgoing of all the signs, but Pisces is the quietest. Pisces is more sensitive and empathetic, but Leo is more intellectual and logical. While Leo could be very outgoing, Pisces is more selfless and kind. Leo is usually a fun person to be around, and Pisces is usually a very serious and serious person.
I don’t really have a good answer to what these personalities mean. I don’t feel like I’ve identified anything that explains them as accurately as I could, and I don’t know why Leo is more like Pisces but is less like Leo. And I don’t know why Pisces is more like Leo but is less like Pisces. I am very curious about these things.
The answer is that the two personalities are simply two sides of the same coin. I believe that the two have been in balance for a long time, but when one is in balance the other is not.
Leo is a symbol of the sun. Aquarius is a symbol of the moon. Pisces is a symbol of the earth. When in balance they are both happy. But when one of them is out of balance, the other is out of balance. When Pisces is out of balance the earth is out of balance, and when everything is in balance, the sun is in balance.
My theory is that the three personalities are in balance because both Leo and Aquarius are in the “I” personality, Pisces is in the “me” personality, and the earth is in the “we” personality. The “I” is where we come from, the “me” where we want to go, and the “we” where we are going to go.
They’ve got a lot in common. Both Leo and Aquarius have a desire to be out in the world, and both Pisces and the earth want to be inside. It’s just that their desires overlap. When everything is in balance (not always) the sun is in balance (not always). When Pisces is out of balance, the earth is out of balance, and when everything is in balance, the sun is in balance.
We are all just a combination of these three things which exist as one, and the way we feel about these three things is what determines our personality. The point is to make sure that everyone feels good about their own personality, and so we can all make the best of our lives.