This is a chart that shows the average score from each state for each school district in the Georgia Tech program. The data comes from the Georgia Tech School Report Card and is not a substitute for the actual school report card.
Georgia Tech has a lot of schools. It’s not like we can’t tell which school district an average score belongs to. On the other hand, I’d have to know if there was a single district in Georgia Tech that has a better score than the average for all of Georgia Tech.
The fact is that our state does have different districts for each major college. As such, we would not have a better score for any one school district than the average for all of Georgia Tech.
Yes, Georgia Tech has a lot of district names that are just like the school districts, and the districts themselves are really just districts. So there isn’t much that we can do to help. We should only look at school district names as a guide, not as the sole factor for which school district your score belongs to. The district name itself is just the starting point for a district and is not really important.
Again, this is where the lack of diversity comes in. A district name is the start for your score but only if that district has a name that is similar enough to the district you’re looking at. So in Georgia Tech we have Tech, Georgia Tech, Tech South, Georgia South, and Tech South. This is not really a big deal as Tech is not Atlanta Tech, Atlanta Tech is actually Georgia Tech, and Tech South is a district in the northern part of the state.
the score in Georgia Tech is a bit different from the Georgia Tech score because Tech South is a district in the northern part of the state (so it has a very different name). Atlanta Tech is actually the name of a city in the southern part of the state, not a district. The other districts I mentioned have names that are similar enough to Atlanta Tech but that are not similar enough to Tech South.
The new Tech South score has Georgia Tech as the top-ranked school in the state and Atlanta Tech as the top-ranked school in the district. Tech South has a lot of good schools (the best is Georgia Military College) and lots of competitive schools (like Georgia Tech and the other new mid-sized universities). It has a lot of good schools and lots of competitive schools, but a few of the schools have a lot of Georgia Tech and a few have a lot of Atlanta Tech.
This is good news for those of you who are wondering if Atlanta Tech is the hottest school in the state. It is. Atlanta Tech was just named the state’s #2 school in the 2016 Georgia Academic Performance Index which measures school’s ranking based upon student performance. Atlanta Tech has a better overall score than the average of the other top schools in the state.
Atlanta Tech’s overall score was 444 and Georgia Tech was 437. The difference is that in Georgia Tech, there’s a bit of overlap between the schools and in Atlanta Tech there’s a bit of overlap between the schools. That means there are now four schools in each area.
Atlanta Tech and Georgia Tech are pretty much the only schools in the state to have a combined overall score above 800. The other schools in the state that have a combined score over 600 include both of the largest two public universities in the state, Emory and Georgia Southern.